Using midiOutShortMsg to Send Individual MIDI Messages

The following example uses the midiOutShortMsgH.83QQ function to send a specified MIDI event to a given MIDI output device:

UINT sendMIDIEvent(HMIDIOUT hmo, BYTE bStatus, BYTE bData1,

    BYTE bData2)

    union { 

        DWORD dwData;

        BYTE bData[4];

    } u;


    // Construct the MIDI message.


    u.bData[0] = bStatus;  // MIDI status byte

    u.bData[1] = bData1;   // first MIDI data byte

    u.bData[2] = bData2;   // second MIDI data byte

    u.bData[3] = 0;


    // Send the message.

    return midiOutShortMsg(hmo, u.dwData);



Note  MIDI output drivers are not required to verify data before sending it to an output port. Applications must ensure that only valid data is sent.